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Foreign Disease - Not if but when!

Apr 23 2021 Thinking back to over a year ago I would have never thought that COIVD-19 would have ended up in the United States. Seeing all the news segments and watching the virus tear though Europe seemed so distant from our boarders that I didn’t give it too much... more

Plenty of Sunshine in the Forecast

Feb 22 2021 It seems like news is too often negative - employment gains slowing, fuel prices heading quickly up under the new administraiton, more talk of inflation - the list goes on. And while it is true farm incomes are down, keeping its relative drop in longer... more

Innovation in Plant Photorespiration

Jan 18 2019 Fascinating preliminary results of two year study at the University of Illinois in increasing plant yields through the manipulation of the plant's own biochemistry. This has some really huge implications if the early indications pan out and can be scaled. ... more

Factory Farms? Nah!

Dec 20 2018 The Economic Research Service of the USDA has released an interesting report entitled, "America's Diverse Family Farms: 2018 Edition". Included with the report are myriad statistics which add great perspective to the ownership and production of American farms.... more

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